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The Way of the Master

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VARIVAS – Pursuing perfection, honing the art of fishing.

Always seeking knowledge, embracing the journey alongside you, challenging the essence of life.


VARIVAS has released a new video

featuring two well-known “masters” in their respective fields. Kozo Okubo, a renowned expert angler in Giant Trevally (GT) fishing. Nobuhide Seki, a renowned martial art master of ancient sword fighting.

GT, also known as “Ronin Aji,” is a species of fish that is famous for its aggressive fighting style, sharp teeth, and distinctive facial image, which resembles the scarred “Ronin,” a battle-hardened wandering swordsman of the classical period.

Despite the apparent difference in their fields of expertise, both experts share a common trait: honing skills and techniques, acquiring knowledge, adapting to new situations, overcoming challenges, and always striving to be better.

At VARIVAS, we believe in the same core values and philosophy. We are committed to pursuing perfection and honing the art of fishing.


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Our quality products are made with meticulous care to the quality and performance to bring joy to anglers worldwide.